Youngle, a national online listening and counseling network, was established in 2011 on funding from the Ministry of Health (CCM: Center for Disease Control and Prevention).
Mental health, Sexual health, Sexually transmitted infections, Online support Peers Drug abuse Emilia-Romagna, Italy
- Viale Aldo Moro, 21, 40127 Bologna BO
- +39 342 6680094
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Ragazzi consapevoli in rete
The game program was developed as part of the project A psycho-educational program, aimed at young people, of self-regulation of emotions to promote the conscious use and prevent problematic use of the Internet.
Mental health Psychological support Wellbeing Safe space Support Counseling Trentino Alto Adige Italy
Ragazzi consapevoli in rete
- Via gilli, 4 - centro nord tre 38121 Trento
- +39 0461494171
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Is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) whose mission is based on improving the well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and the prevention of HIV infection.
STIs STIs testing Lisboa, Portugal
- Largo José Luís Champalimaud
- 217997500
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Resource Centre For Gender Equality Arge?
Resource Centre for Gender Equality, Arge? aims to promote gender equality and combat discrimination based on gender criteria in Arge? County through information, awareness and training activities of different target groups in the local community.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania
Resource Centre For Gender Equality Arge?
- Calea Bucuresti nr.1, Pite?ti, jud. Arge?
- 0248 222 222
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Social Assistance and Child Protection Dâmbovi?a
DGASPC ensures the necessary measures for the emergency protection of adults in need, including by organizing and ensuring the functioning of specialized centers within their own structure.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania
Social Assistance and Child Protection Dâmbovi?a
- Str. Maior Breziseanu, nr. 25
- 0245 611915
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Integra foundation was set up in 2004 with the aim of facilitating the integration of minority groups in Malta.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Racial minority Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Asylum seeker Valletta Malta
- 124, St. Ursula Street, Valletta
- +356 99978386
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The Little Prince Maternal Centre
The social service Maternal Centre aims to prevent the child's separation from his/her mother/parents, to form, maintain and strengthen family ties, and to support the family in assuming parental responsibilities.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania Botosani
The Little Prince Maternal Centre
- Str. I. C. Br?tianu, nr. 63, Boto?ani
- 0231.535.653
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Tulghe? Psychiatric Hospital
The unit provides medical assistance for patients with mental illnesses from Harghita county and neighboring counties, depending on available places.
Mental health and wellness Information and tools Young person Young adult Mental health care and services Peer and support groups Romania
Tulghe? Psychiatric Hospital
- On DN15, 50km from Toplita
- +40 0266 338 188
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Incest and sexual abuse support centre
Good sexual health must be worked on throughout life. Incest and sexual abuse support centres want better knowledge about sexuality, the body and boundary setting in all institutions we are in contact with.
Sexual or gender-based violence Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Trøndelag Norway
Incest and sexual abuse support centre
- Staupslia 41E, 7603 Levanger
- 469 36 977
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Emergency Reception Centre for Women
Emergency Reception Centre for Domestically Abused Women provides accommodation and food, medical assistance, psychological, legal and social counselling and protection against aggressors.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania
Emergency Reception Centre for Women
- Pite?ti, Calea Dr?g??ani, nr. 8, jud. Arge?
- 0248 271 220
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Allied Rainbow Communities
ARC was founded out of a need to create a sense of community. Malta has come a long way with equality reforms and civil liberties, but we believe laws & rights are only one part of the equation.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ safe space Valletta Malta
Allied Rainbow Communities
- 19, Triq San Mark, Valletta
- +356 99272999
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Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, of the youth.
Mentalhealthcare Wellness Braga Portugal
Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social
- Rua da Presa, n.º 66 – Adaúfe, 4710-569 Braga
- 253603500
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Health centres for adolescents
Health centres for adolescents are a free service for young people aged between 12 and 20 years. The health centres for adolescents offer help and advice from public health nurses, doctors and in some cases midwives and psychologists.
Sexual and reproductive health Contraception and family planning Young person Menstrual health and hygiene Agder Norway
Health centres for adolescents
- Aquarama, Tangen 8, Kristiansand
- 482 24 395
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ConTatto responds to boys and girls in the Trieste and Gorizia area who want to come out of silence. They can chat or talk on the phone with the service operators, or search for information and answers in the content
Psychological support Mental Health Support Counselling Hot line Distress Depression Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
- Trieste - Via Molino a Vento, 123
- +39 800 510 510
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Amathea Health Service
Amathea is a nationwide free health service. They supplement the public health service with guidance and follow-up of women, men, and couples with ambivalence in pregnancy, and conversations after an abortion.
Women health Sexual health Minority health Reproductive Health Gender-based Violence Sexual violence Oslo Norway
Amathea Health Service
- Pilestredet Park 7, 0176 Oslo
- 90 65 90 60
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Ungdom Og Fritid Association
Ungdom og Fritid (Youth and Leisure) is a democratic children's and youth organisation for users, employees, and volunteers in municipally supported leisure clubs, youth centres, and similar open meeting places.
Mental health and wellness Information and tools Young person Young adult Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Oslo Norway
Ungdom Og Fritid Association
- Grønland 10, 0188 Oslo
- +4722057700
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Spazio Giovani Parma
Here you can get psychological and social counselling and support, health education; counselling for young people, sex and sex education; contraceptive counselling, sexually transmitted diseases.
Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Emilia-Romagna Italy
Spazio Giovani Parma
- viale Fratti, 32/1A, 43121 Parma PR
- +39 0521 393337
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O Cordão
Fill the existing gap in the promotion of quality information and in the provision of qualified professional support for problems in the areas of perinatal mental health, breastfeeding and breastfeeding.
Contraception Mental health Pregancy support Lisboa, Portugal
O Cordão
- ---
- 930 682 818
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Cavnic Psychiatric Hospital
It is a health unit with legal personality that provides preventive, curative and recovery medical services.
Mental Health care suport Romania Maramures
Cavnic Psychiatric Hospital
- Strada Unirii nr.4, Ora? Cavnic, Jude? Maramure?
- 0262.295.012
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Donne In Rete Contro La Violenza
D.I.R.E. bases its work on the experience of local realities and aims to build national political action that can promote the cultural change that is fundamental to combating and overcoming male violence against women.
Sexual or gender-based violence Abuse Psychological support Shelter Anti-violence centre Awareness Lazio Italy
Donne In Rete Contro La Violenza
- Via della Lungara 19, 00165 Roma RM
- +39 3927200580
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Centrul ANA sibiu
The National Anti-Drug Agency (ANA), through its 47 territorial Anti-Drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Centres, implemented at national level, in the 2021-2022 school year, the competition project "My Anti-Drug Message.”
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Romania
Centrul ANA sibiu
- Pia?a Mic? 10, Sibiu 557260
- 0756 342 747
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Forum Opportunitajiet Indaqs Partit Nazzjonalista
The Nationalist Party Equal Opportunities Forum works to continue to shape a society with equal opportunities for everyone.
Sexual or gender-based-violence LGBTIQ person Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ safe space Malta
Forum Opportunitajiet Indaqs Partit Nazzjonalista
- Dar ?entrali, Triq Herbert Ganado, Tal-Pietà – PTA 1450
- +356 21243641
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Associazione Margherita Fenice
Associazione Margherita Fenice promotes and fosters people-to-people meetings, promotes research, organizes and runs meetings, maintains contact between interested entities, raises media awareness.
Eating disorders Body image Support group Prevention Training Information Support Veneto Italy
Associazione Margherita Fenice
- via del Piave n. 5 32100 Belluno BL
- +39 3494451488
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Women’s Rights Foundation
Women’s Rights Foundation (WRF) is a voluntary organisation committed to informing, educating and empowering women concerning their legal rights.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Services for victims of abuse Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Young adult Valletta Malta
Women’s Rights Foundation
- 203/1 Vincenti Buildings, Triq l-Ifran, Valletta
- +356 79708615
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Centro de Solidariedade de Braga
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, of the youth. As a Therapeutic-Educational
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Braga Portugal
Centro de Solidariedade de Braga
- Rua D. Afonso Henriques, nº 64 /8
- 253617384
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Is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) whose mission is based on improving the well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and the prevention of HIV infection.
STIs STIs testing Setúbal Portugal
- Edifício Bocage – Avenida 5 de Outubro
- 265228882
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Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Associação para o Planeamento da Família. remained close to communities and, above all, to the most vulnerable public, helping them to make more informed choices regarding their sexualities.
Sexual SexualitymReproductive health Porto Portugal
Associação para o Planeamento da Família
- Travessa das Liceiras, 14/16, 4000-323 Porto
- 222085869
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Opus Diversidades
Defence of human rights with a special focus on sexual and ethnic minorities.
LGBTIQ support LGBTIQ family support Discrimination Lisboa Portugal
Opus Diversidades
- Rua da Ilha Terceira, 34 – 2º, 1000-173 Lisboa
- 924467485
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Grupo de Ajuda a Toxicodependentes
Primary Prevention is assumed to be a priority intervention area, to promote mechanisms that enable the young population to lead an independent life, free from consumption and dependence on psychoactive substances.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Faro Portugal
Grupo de Ajuda a Toxicodependentes
- Aldeia do Azinheiro – Estoi, 8000-658 Faro
- 289878142
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Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
Non-profit institution for intervention service for addictive behaviours and dependencies. Captivate and promote people in a situation of dependence to rebuild a sober, free, and dignified life, with Christian values as a standard.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Lisboa Portugal
Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
- Avenida Catarina Eufémia, 43; 2670-708 Fanhões
- 219731025
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Jesuit Refugee Service
The Jesuit Refugee Service was set up accompany, serve, and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced people. The JRS Malta office offers legal, psychosocial, and other services to asylum seekers who need assistance.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Racial minority Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Asylum seeker Malta
Jesuit Refugee Service
- No 1, Dar Sarria, Pjazza Emmanuel Tonna, Floriana
- +356 21442751
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Casa Qui
Defence of human rights with a special focus on sexual and ethnic minorities.
LGBTI support Integration LGBTIQ safe space Lisboa Portugal
Casa Qui
- Largo das Conchas 1, 1750-155 Lisboa
- +351 96 008 11 11
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Checkpoint Malta
Checkpoint Malta wants to educate the public and healthcare professionals.
Prevention, testing, and treatment of STIs Contraception and family planning Young person Testing and treatment services Valletta Malta
Checkpoint Malta
- 181, Melita Street, Valletta
- +356 79056630
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Victim Support Malta
Victim Support Malta provides support and assistance to individuals and families who have been affected by trauma as a result of crime or suicide.
Suicide Trauma Support Sex gender or racial discrimination Rape Sex LGBTIQ person Gozo Malta
Victim Support Malta
- 52, Old Theatre Street, Valletta
- +356 21228333
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Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Associação para o Planeamento da Família was founded in 1967 and its mission is to help people make free and informed choices in their sexual and reproductive lives and to promote positive parenting.
Sexual Sexuality Reproductive health Coimbra Portugal
Associação para o Planeamento da Família
- Rua da Vargem nº 30 R/C, 9000 – 705 São Martinho, Funchal
- 291611851
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Toxicology Centre – Slobozia
The role of the Toxicology Center in Slobozia is to provide temporary care for individuals who are dependent on alcohol, drugs, or other toxicological incidents; provide immediate medical treatment; ensure specialized medical assistance.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Young person Rehabilitation centre for addicts Information and tools Romania
Toxicology Centre – Slobozia
- Slobozia, str. Aleea Cosminului, nr.4, jud. Ialomi?a
- 0243 230 280
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Compassion & Care Association
Compassion & Care Association mission is to assist women and children who suffer from domestic violence, in order to protect them, change the abusive situation and reintegrate them into society.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania
Compassion & Care Association
- Ploie?ti, str. Victoriei, nr. 13, jud. Prahova
- 0788 999965
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Being Myself
Here you can get help with any question you may have about autism. Then we can find you an experienced professional than can help you with a proper diagnostic.
Mental health and wellness Anxiety, stress, and depression Young person Young adult Virtual support or help hotline Romania
Being Myself
- Str. V?r?riei, nr. 26, 24B Piatra Neam?
- +40737239713
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Richmond Foundation
We’re here to support people experiencing mental health problems and those around them, throughout various aspects of life.
Mental health and wellness Mental health care or support Young adult Anxiety, stress, and depression Information and tools Malta
Richmond Foundation
- Richmond, The Park, Cannon Road, St. Venera
- +356 21224580
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Blå Kors Norge (Blue Cross Norway)
Blå Kors Norge (Blue Cross Norway) is the major Norwegian volunteer organisation working in the field of alcohol and drug abuse, especially regarding children and adolescents, treatment, and follow-up after treatment.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Hospital or clinic Oslo Norway
Blå Kors Norge (Blue Cross Norway)
- Storgata 38, 0182 Oslo
- +4722032740
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Comunità Lautari
The goal of our organization is the complete rehabilitation of the person and the acquisition of a new way of life based on the values of autonomy, responsibility, tolerance, participation, solidarity, trust and self-esteem.
Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Rehabilitation Lombardia Italy
Comunità Lautari
- Via Monte Ingrana, 2, 25010 Pozzolengo
- +39 0309918700
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ASSI - Associazione Sociale Sportiva Invalidi Onlus is a social promotion association, promoted by people with disabilities
Mental health Disability Rehabilitation Support pshycological support education Veneto Italy
- Via Villa 7 32036 Sedico BL
- +39 0437 852418
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Planifam is the first private family planning office in Romania, founded in 2005 in Cluj-Napoca, which offers a wide range of reproductive health services. Our activity is oriented towards prevention
Contraception Health Romania Cluj
- str. Fabricii de Zahar nr. 11 ap. 31, Cluj-Napoca
- 0264 445 400
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Fundação Portuguesa para o Estudo
Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) of public utility, nationwide, dedicated to mental health issues in general and prevention of addictive behaviour and addiction treatment, in particular.
Mentalhealthcare Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Lisboa Portugal
Fundação Portuguesa para o Estudo
- Quinta do Pisão – 2645-005 Alcabideche
- 214823650
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Emergency reception centre
Asocia?ia Necuvinte is a nongovernmental organization which was founded in 2013 according to the governmental bill O.G. 26/2000 regarding the status of associations and funds with the aim to fight against discrimination, abuse and gender violence.
Partner violence Victims of abuse Gorj Romania
Emergency reception centre
- Bulevardul Ecaterina Teodoroiu nr. 365 Bis, Tîrgu Jiu
- 0353401317
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Associação Nacional de Apoio a Jovens
Support citizens in an unfavourable social situation, through the implementation of solidarity and social training projects Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring,
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Mentalhealthcare Coimbra Portugal
Associação Nacional de Apoio a Jovens
- Rua Antero de Quental 7, 3000-032 Coimbra
- 239821150
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The Wake Me Up Norway
Wake Me Up offers health care to young people at an early stage through conversations, mental training, and coaching via Wake Me Up app, completely free of charge for everyone between the ages of 15-26.
Mental health care and services Virtual support or help hotlines Young person Oslo Norway Mental health care or support
The Wake Me Up Norway
- Gina Krogsvei 5b, 1153 Oslo
- +4793228043
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Juvente (Youth) Organisation
Juvente (Youth) is an organisation of, for and with young people who want a world based on human dignity and solidarity where drugs do not cause problems. It works with drug prevention and drug policy.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Oslo Norway
Juvente (Youth) Organisation
- Torggata 1, 0181 Oslo
- +4747486589
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Public Health Directorate
The objective is the discovery of diseases and their prevention.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Contraception and family planning Sexually transmitted infections Alba Romania
Public Health Directorate
- Boulevard of the railway station nr. 14
- 0237 225 979
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Corabia Local Hospital
Corabia Local Hospital offers medical services performed in the TBC dispensary and family planning office, medical services in specialized medical assistance for recovery, physical medicine and balneology and many others.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Youth educator Young person Sexually transmitted infections
Corabia Local Hospital
- Corabia, str. Carpati, nr. 116, judetul Olt
- 0249560671
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Centrul A.L.E.G
I CHOOSE. is a non-governmental organization active since 2004 in the field of combating and preventing violence against women and promoting gender equality.
Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Information and tools Intimate partner violence Services for victims of abuse Peer and support groups Romania
Centrul A.L.E.G
- Strada H?rmanului nr. 50
- +40 753 893 531
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Consultorio L’aquila
Consultorio L’aquila offers psychological and social counselling and support, health education.
Mental health, Sexual health, Sexually transmitted infections, Abruzzo, Italy
Consultorio L’aquila
- Via Capo Croce, 1 67100 L’Aquila
- ---
- +39 0862368498
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Abloom Breaks Taboos Organisation
Abloom raises awareness about and create meaningful and empowering activities for people living with disability, especially children and youngsters, ethnic minorities living with disability in Oslo and Norway.
Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Information and tools Person with a disability Peer and support groups Oslo Norway
Abloom Breaks Taboos Organisation
- Youngstorget 2b, 0181 Oslo
- +4746341945
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Incest and sexual abuse support centres
Good sexual health must be worked on throughout life. Incest and sexual abuse support centres want better knowledge about sexuality, the body and boundary setting in all institutions we are in contact with.
Sexual or gender-based violence Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Agder Norway
Incest and sexual abuse support centres
- Markens gate 37, 4612 Kristiansand
- 38 07 11 11
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Spazio Giovani Distretto di Bologna
Girls and boys can turn to the Youth Space, for: sexuality, emotional and relational life, free contraception, voluntary termination of pregnancy, and psychological distress. It was founded in Padua in 1990 on the initiative
Psychological support Counseling Consultations Sexual education Contraception Emilia Romagna Italy
Spazio Giovani Distretto di Bologna
- Via s.isaia 90, 40133 Bologna
- +39 0516597217
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Espaço de Apoio à Vítima
The Espaço de Apoio à Vítima (EAV) is designed to assist victims of domestic violence and all other people seeking support in the field of domestic violence.
Victim Specialised support victims of domestic violence Aveiro Portugal
Espaço de Apoio à Vítima
- Edifício do Paços do concelho
- 234 732 187
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Anti-Drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Centre
ANA provides individual and group medical, psychological, social counselling services to drug users and their families; monitors and coordinates the institutions and non-governmental organizations that provide harm-reduction services.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Young person Rehabilitation centre for addicts Information and tools Romania
Anti-Drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Centre
- Str. Centura Basarabilor nr. 8, etajul 2
- 0249. 411.177
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Is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) whose mission is based on improving the well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and the prevention of HIV infection.
STIs STIs testing Aveiro Portugal
- Rua Conselheiro Luís de Magalhães, 3800-137 Aveiro
- 937157270
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The OASI Foundation
The OASI Foundation has worked tirelessly to assist persons dealing with issues such as addiction, while also promoting a healthy lifestyle through educational, cultural and sports events for the community.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Rehabilitation Centre for addicts Young adult Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Gozo Malta
The OASI Foundation
- OASI Centre, 5, Triq Wied Sara, Victoria, Gozo
- +356 21563333
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Centre for Prevention, and Counselling Antidrugs
Here you can get help regarding substance abuse and your questions will be answered by a team of professionals.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Romania
Centre for Prevention, and Counselling Antidrugs
- Str. Mihail Sadoveanu nr. 54, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania
- 0266 311 200
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Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
Non-profit institution for intervention service for addictive behaviours and dependencies. Captivate and promote people in a situation of dependence to rebuild a sober, free, and dignified life, with Christian values as a standard.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Portalegre Portugal
Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
- Av. Padre José Agostinho Rodrigues
- 219730610
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Mental Helse
Mental Health is a membership organisation for people with mental health challenges, relatives, and other interested parties.
Mental health care and services Virtual support or help hotlines Young person Mental health care or support Oslo Norway
Mental Helse
- Tollbugata 17, 0152 Oslo
- 352 96 060
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Sex Og Politikk (Sex And Politics)
Sex og Politikk is a non-governmental organisation that promotes sexual health and rights domestically and internationally. It is the Norwegian member association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Young person Sexually transmitted infections Youth educator Oslo Norway
Sex Og Politikk (Sex And Politics)
- Christian Kroghs gate 34, 0186 Oslo
- +4722115513
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Caritas Malta
Social work assistance, psychological and mental health support (Support Groups).
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Addiction and recovery Rehabilitation Centre for addicts Information and tools Malta
Caritas Malta
- 5, Triq l-Iljun, Il-Furjana
- +356 25906600
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Ialomi?a Public Health Directorate
DSPI aims to improve the health of the population by preventing and treating sexually transmitted diseases, as well as by promoting a healthy and sexually responsible lifestyle.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Youth educator Young person Sexually transmitted infections
Ialomi?a Public Health Directorate
- Slobozia, str. Aleea Cosminului, nr.4, jud. Ialomi?a
- 0243.230.280
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We work with people and local communities to improve social and economic conditions and promote inclusive, equitable and sustainable societies in a participatory way.
Racial discrimination Activism Safe space Support Educational community Inclusive city Lombardia Italy
- Via Cufra, 29 20159 Milano
- +39 02 2578 5763
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Utekontakten in Bodø
Utekontakten is part of the Children and Family Unit in Bodø municipality. There are four employees in Utekontakten, who all have a bachelor's degree in social work or child welfare pedagogy.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Drop-in services Nordland Norway
Utekontakten in Bodø
- Parkveien 51, 8005 Bodø
- 75555490
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Con-t@tto - Youth Addiction Center is a place where you can be listened to with confidentiality, get information, share concerns about the use of legal and illegal substances (alcohol, drugs, medications)
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Young person Drop-in services Information and tools Lombardia Italy
- Via Ottorino Rossi, 9, 21100 Varese VA
- +39 800018280
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About HUB
Even if you feel like the world is slipping away from under your feet and that life is no longer about you, but about the pain you feel, there are always solutions. Let's discuss them together, step by step, at your own pace, the way you feel comfortable.
Mental health and wellness Anxiety, stress, and depression Young person Young adult Virtual support or help hotline Romania
About HUB
- Str. Barbu V?c?rescu 75, Bucure?ti 020272
- 0726 666 266
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Network persone sieropositive
NPS is the first group in Italy founded exclusively by HIV+ people, active in the field of prevention, awareness, information and psycho-social support for HIV-AIDS issues, both regionally and nationally.
LGBTIQ safe space Discrimination sexually transmitted infections Testing Prevention Information Tools Counselling Lombardia Italy
Network persone sieropositive
- Via Raffaele Lambruschini 36, 20156 Milano MI
- +39 0236565535
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Caritas Alba Iulia
The Caritas Alba Iulia organization is a non-profit organization of public utility.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Romania Alba
Caritas Alba Iulia
- 510009 Alba Iulia, str. P?cii nr. 3
- 0258 811 499
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LetWomen deals with menstruation and the implications it has in women's lives. We are dedicated to education, the protection of women's dignity and self-production.
Menstrual health Hygiene Education Training Menstruation Piemonte Italy
- LetWomen, Via Cesare Lombroso, 16, 10125 Torino TO
- ---
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Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Associação para o Planeamento da Família was founded in 1967 and its mission is to help people make free and informed choices in their sexual and reproductive lives and to promote positive parenting.
Sexual Sexuality Reproductive health Évora, Portugal
Associação para o Planeamento da Família
- Rua Serpa Pinto nº 111, 7000-537 Évora
- 266785018
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To provide a safe space to LGBTI Gozitans and a voice that matters.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ safe space Gozo Malta
- Triq Enrico Mizzi, Ir-Rabat, Gozo, Malta
- +356 99356622
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Association For Gender And Sexuality Diversity
FRI - The Association for Gender and Sexuality Diversity is the oldest and largest member organisation representing the interests of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex persons in Norway.
LGBTIQ safe space Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ person Oslo Norway
Association For Gender And Sexuality Diversity
- Mariboes gate 13, 0183 Oslo
- +4723103939
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Poiana Mare Hospital
It offers consultation, group psychiatry, individual psychiatry, adult clinical psychological counselling Here you can get help through social meeting places, share experiences, challenges and have the opportunity to gain knowledge.
Addict Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Substance abuse
Poiana Mare Hospital
- Str. Garii nr 40, Dolj
- 0251235299
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National Anti-Drug Agency
The National Anti-Drug Agency develops, coordinates, evaluates and monitors, at the national level, policies in the field of preventing and combating drug trafficking and illicit consumption.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Bucharest Romania
National Anti-Drug Agency
- Bloc A4, Bulevardul Unirii 37, Bucure?ti
- 021 318 44 00
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The Color Mind clinic
The Color Mind clinic offers its clients complex care in the field of mental health, bringing together medicine and psychology, in the necessary doses and agreed with each individual client.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Bucharest Romania
The Color Mind clinic
- Str Stefan Luchian, no 17, Bucharest
- 0213132514
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Fondazzjoni Wens
Fondazzjoni Wens - the home where the experience is shared by all.
Mental health and wellness Peer and support groups Person with disability Anxiety, stress, and depression Information and tools Malta
Fondazzjoni Wens
- 50, Dar il-Wens, Ix-Xatt, Kalkara
- +356 21696825
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The Riverside Youth Centre
Riverside youth centre is an Information and activity centre for youth between ages 15-22 with a variety of services and activities that creates an arena of various preventive and skills-giving measures.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Young person Drop-in services Information and tools Oslo Norway
The Riverside Youth Centre
- Grønland 1, 0188 Oslo
- +4722172819
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National Center for Mental Health and Anti-Drug Struggle
National Center for Mental Health and Anti-Drug Struggle is a specialized public institution, with legal personality, subordinate to the Ministry of Health, which ensures the coordination, implementation and evaluation of mental health.
Mental health and wellness Information and tools Young person Young adult Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Bucharest Romania
National Center for Mental Health and Anti-Drug Struggle
- Str. Thomas Masaryk 4
- +4031 4255673
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Psychiatric Hospital Braila
Mental care services, Psychiatric help.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Romania
Psychiatric Hospital Braila
- Calarasilor Way nr. 59 Braila
- 0239 694 200
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Association for the Respect of Human Rights
The Association for the Respect of Human Rights is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit or patrimonial organization, established for the purpose of carrying out humanitarian activities of general interest, especially adapted to persons
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Bucharest Romania
Association for the Respect of Human Rights
- Str. Popa Nan no. 6, Bucharest, 024077
- 021 796 3390
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Centro Veneto Progetti Donna
Centro Veneto Progetti Donna is a voluntary association that offers support to women, Italian and foreign, in difficulty and involved in situations of family and non-family violence and mistreatment.
Psychological support Violence against women Support Anti-violence centre Victims of abuse Sexual violence Veneto Italy
Centro Veneto Progetti Donna
- Via Tripoli 3 – Padova PD
- +39 049 8721277
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Associazione A.M.A.
The A.M.A. is a nonprofit voluntary organization, founded in Trento in June 1995 on the initiative of a few health care and private social workers and people attending already active groups, which arose spontaneously
Mental health Psychological support Wellbeing Trentino Alto Adige Italy
Associazione A.M.A.
- Via Taramelli, 17, 38122 Trento TN
- +39 0461239640
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Is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) whose mission is based on improving the well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and the prevention of HIV infection.
STIs STIs testing Braga Portugal
- Praceta Padre Diamantino Martins, 17, 4700-438 Braga
- 917778781
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Malta Gay Rights Movement
MGRM offers various support services to LGBTIQ individuals as well as their families and friends.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ safe space Malta
Malta Gay Rights Movement
- 32, Parish Street, Mosta
- +356 21430009
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Il Cerchio Fareassieme
The Association Il Cerchio Fareassieme Onlus was born on March 1, 2019 from the merger of the associations La Panchina Onlus and Ama Salute Mentale Onlus.
Mental health Psychological support Wellbeing Peer Safe space Support Counseling Trentino Alto Adige Italy
Il Cerchio Fareassieme
- Via Scipio Sighele n. 5 38122 Trento - Italy
- +39 0461 097691
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Ares do Pinhal
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, with an innovative psychosocial and accommodation response.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Santarém Portugal
Ares do Pinhal
- Rua Ares do Pinhal, Aldeia de Eiras 6120-151, Amêndoa
- 241591100
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Incest and sexual abuse support centres
Good sexual health must be worked on throughout life. Incest and sexual abuse support centres want better knowledge about sexuality, the body and boundary setting in all institutions we are in contact with.
Sexual or gender-based violence Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Møre og Romsdal Norway
Incest and sexual abuse support centres
- Moldelivegen 9, 6415 Molde
- 97 41 55 80 / 71 11
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Consultorio Crescere Insieme
The service is aimed at all those who find themselves in moments of difficulty or inner disorientation. The professionals at the Crescereinsieme Counseling Center have specializations that allow them to respond
Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Lombardia Italy
Consultorio Crescere Insieme
- Via Giovanni Cimabue, 275, 25134 Brescia BS
- +39 3341124350
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CIAO Lgbtq+
Inclusive action and guidance committee
LGBTIQ safe space Gender discrimination Support Peer Queer community Veneto Italy
CIAO Lgbtq+
- Via Tiziano Vecellio, 82, 32100 Belluno BL
- ---
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Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima
Victim support by providing quality services and is governed, among others, by the principle of non-discrimination based on gender, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status.
Victim Specialised support Domestic violence Lisboa Portugal
Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima
- Rua José Estêvão, 135-A,
- 800 219 090
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Fenice Lazio ODV
The numerous cases of young people who are increasingly struggling with Eating Disorders (mainly anorexia and bulimia) have prompted many of us to join voluntarily in order to better carry out advocacy
Mental health Eating disorders Psychological support Wellbeing Lazio Italy
Fenice Lazio ODV
- via della Stazione di S. Pietro, 40, 00165 Roma RM
- +39 800 180 969
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The association works in the areas of combating drug use and alcohol abuse; promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles; and combating forms of violence, particularly violence against women and children, bullying
Drug abuse Alcohol abuse health Healthy lifestyle Gender-based violence Bullying Cyberbullying Lazio Italy
- Via Carlo Poma, 2, 00195, Roma RM
- +39 06 8424 2188
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Mental Helse Ungdom
Mental Health Youth is an organisation for those who want a society that looks after its citizens' mental health.
Mental health care and services Virtual support or help hotlines Young person Mental health care or support Oslo Norway
Mental Helse Ungdom
- Dronningens Gate 17, 0154 Oslo
- +4793228043
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Lila promotes and protects the right to health, affirms principles and relations of solidarity, fights against all forms of violation of the human, civil and citizenship rights of people living with HIV or AIDS.
LGBTIQ safe space Prevention Testing Treament of STIs Confidentiality Anonymity Reproductive health Sexual health Lombardia Italy
- Via Francesco Anzani 52, 22100 Como CO
- +39 031268828
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The Policlinic of Alba Iulia's Hospital
Here you can get help with family planning and get contraception solutions.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Contraception and family planning Sexually transmitted infections Alba Romania
The Policlinic of Alba Iulia's Hospital
- strada Mu?e?elului, nr. 2 Alba Iulia
- ---
- 025826272
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Pride Azores – Associação LGBT Pride Azores
The Association aims to support and socially integrate the LGBT population and their families in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, through educational, social and cultural programs.
LGBTIQ support LGBTIQ family support Discrimination Açores Portugal
Pride Azores – Associação LGBT Pride Azores
- ---
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Samsen Culture Centre
Samsen Culture Centre young people can experience a variety of cultural activities and events. The Centre has studios for art, music, dance and film, seminar rooms and a concert hall which can be rented.
Sexual or gender-based violence Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Trøndelag Norway.
Samsen Culture Centre
- Vesterveien 2, 4613 Kristiansand
- 38 00 64 00
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Fondazione S.O.S. Telefono Azzurro
S.O.S Fondazione Telefono Azzurro ETS promotes total respect for the rights of children and adolescents. Through its activities every day, it supports their potential for growth and protects them from abuse and violence.
Mental health Emergency Hot line Support Pshycological support Education Lazio Italy
Fondazione S.O.S. Telefono Azzurro
- Via Copernico 1, 20125, Milano MI
- ---
- +39 19696
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Sex Workers' Interest Organisation
PION - Sex workers' interest organisation is a non-profit organisation located in Oslo, but works for everyone regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual identity and gender expression that sells sex in Norway.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Migrant Services for victims of abuse Refuggee Asylum seeker Oslo Norway
Sex Workers' Interest Organisation
- Torggaten 10, 0181 Oslo
- +4790063558
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Center for the Prevention and Combating of Family Violence
The Center for the Prevention and Combating of Family Violence has the role of preventing and combating domestic violence by assisting victims (adults and children) within the Cluj-Napoca municipality.
Information and tools Intimate partner violence Romania Cluj
Center for the Prevention and Combating of Family Violence
- Maramure?ului Street, no 1, Cluj-Napoca
- 0264-599316
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AIDOS works in partnership with local organizations and institutions to provide tools for women and their organizations, especially in areas where the experience of the Italian and international feminist movement
Sexual health Reproductive health Women empowerment Gender-based violence Gender equality Lazio Italy
- Via dei Giubbonari 30 00186 Roma
- +39 06 687 3214
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Iskra has been carrying out social and educational services for people since 1997, often in collaboration with public agencies.
Mental care Wellness Wellbeing Support Counselling Safe space Drug abuse Rehabilitation Basilicata Italy
- Via Nazionale, 20 85050 Marsicovetere
- +39 097522713
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Spazio Giovani
Spazio Giovani deals with problems concerning physical and psychological changes, sexuality, the affective sphere, and interpersonal and family relationships in adolescence. Spazio Giovani team consists of gynecologist, obstetrician, psychologist.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Youth educator Young person Sexually transmitted infections Emilia Romagna Italy
Spazio Giovani
- Via Boschetto, 29, 44124 Ferrara FE
- +39 0532235026
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Aditus Foundation
We are inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and as lawyers are wholly committed to removing those obstacles preventing anyone from accessing and enjoying their fundamental human rights.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Migrant Counselling Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Racial minority safe space Malta
Aditus Foundation
- Rhea Building 1A, Triq is-Santissima Trinitá, ?amrun
- +356 20106295
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Dâmbovi?a Drug Prevention and Control Centre
The role of the "Dâmbovi?a Drug Prevention and Control Center" is to prevent and combat illegal drug trafficking and consumption, as well as to provide integrated assistance to drug users, in accordance with the policies implemented.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Young adult Young person Rehabilitation centre for addicts Information and tools Romania
Dâmbovi?a Drug Prevention and Control Centre
- Bulevardul Mircea cel Batran, nr. 12, etajul I , Targoviste
- 0245 210 919
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Consultorio Centro Giovani - Savona
The service is intended for adolescent girls and boys and their families. The Center performs functions of reception, prevention, treatment of psychological - social distress in adolescence and support for parenting.
Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Liguria Italy
Consultorio Centro Giovani - Savona
- Via don bosco 3 - 17100 - Savona
- +39 019 840 5951
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Associação Dianova Portugal
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, of the youth.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Lisboa Portugal
Associação Dianova Portugal
- Monte Redondo, 2565-517 Torres Vedras
- 261312300
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Associação Centro Jovem Tejo
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, of the youth. Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS).
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Setúbal Portugal
Associação Centro Jovem Tejo
- Rua António José Marques -Viv. Alcaide
- 212870285
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Spazio Aperto Servizi
We are a social enterprise, established in Milan in 1993, with the aim of taking care of people living in situations of fragility, through a network of social, health, welfare, educational and housing services.
Safe space LGBTIQ Housing services Support Community Lombardia Italy
Spazio Aperto Servizi
- Via Olgiati, 26 – 20143 Milano
- +39 02 425527
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Dixi resource Centre
DiXi offers victims or their next of kin someone to talk to in a safe arena where the victims together can create hope for the future.
Sexual or gender-based violence Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Oslo Norway
Dixi resource Centre
- Bygdøy Allé 1, 0257 Oslo
- 22 44 40 50
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Eating Disorders Support Malta
A safe place dedicated to the support of those suffering from or being affected by, directly or indirectly, eating disorders of any kind.
Mental health and wellness Peer and support groups Eating disorder and body image Anxiety, stress, and depression Young person Malta
Eating Disorders Support Malta
- ---
- +356 27780037
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Psychological support and individual and group psychotherapy for young people.
Mental health Wellness Support groups Peer Psychological support Piemonte Italy
- Via Berthollet 44, 10125 Torino TO
- +39 3273799387
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General Workers’ Union Equality Committee
The General Workers' Union (GWU) Equality Committee stands firmly for equality for all.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Service Provider Valletta Malta
General Workers’ Union Equality Committee
- South Street, Valletta VLT 1103
- +356 25679200
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Tvibit Youth Health Centre
Here you can get help with any questions you may have about your health. Then we think about both physical, mental, and sexual health. At the health centre, health professionals with experience work to meet youth's health needs.
Physical health Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Troms og Finnmark Norway
Tvibit Youth Health Centre
- Parkgata 27/29, 9008 Tromsø
- 47673456
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Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Associação para o Planeamento da Família was founded in 1967 and its mission is to help people make free and informed choices in their sexual and reproductive lives and to promote positive parenting.
Sexual Sexuality Reproductive health Coimbra Portugal
Associação para o Planeamento da Família
- Rua Palácio da Justiça nº 5 Fração J, 3060-208 Cantanhede
- 912955184
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Friends for the Sick and the Elderly
To assist the sick and elderly in every way possible within our resources, mainly by helping to improve and increase local hospital and home facilities for their safety, welfare, comfort, and convenience.
Mental health and wellness Peer and support groups Parent or caregiver Anxiety, stress, and depression Information and tools Malta
Friends for the Sick and the Elderly
- Dar il-Fjuri, Triq 23 ta’ April, Victoria
- +356 27532276
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Ares do Pinhal
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery, and respective reintegration into society, with an innovative psychosocial and accommodation response.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Lisboa Portugal
Ares do Pinhal
- Rua das Papoilas nº 21, Rinchoa 2725-102 Mem-Martins
- 219 164 415
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Consultorio familiare Libertà Bari
Family counseling is a service “dedicated” to the needs of women, couples, families, children, and adolescents. A social-health service aimed at Italian and foreign citizens, which can be accessed without medical request and free of charge.
Information Family counselling Social counselling Support sexual education Puglia Italy
Consultorio familiare Libertà Bari
- piazza Chiurlia, 21, 70100, Bari BA
- +39 080 5844654
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Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
Non-profit institution for intervention service for addictive behaviours and dependencies. Captivate and promote people in a situation of dependence to rebuild a sober, free, and dignified life, with Christian values as a standard.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Santarém Portugal
Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
- Rua do Desafio Jovem, 34
- 263504414
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Emergency County Hospital
The Family Planning department contains an obstetrics - gynaecology office, a contraception and premarital counselling office, a health education office, a counselling office and a treatment room.
Family Planning Kids Romania Hospital Maramures
Emergency County Hospital
- Strada George Co?buc Nr. 31
- (004)262/205100/129
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La Maison Onlus
Inspired by the principles of the UN Convention on Disability and Marginality, the non-profit Social Promotion Association "La Maison" is committed to protecting the rights and health of people with disabilities.
Mental health Disability Rehabilitation Support pshycological support Education Inclusion Lazio, Italy
La Maison Onlus
- Via Georges Sorel n. 7, 00177 Roma
- +39 06 25 88 376
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Cluj-Napoca Municipal Hospital
The vision of the management of the Cluj-Napoca Municipal Clinical Hospital in the field of quality is to obtain and maintain a maximum reputation of the hospital through quality, contributing.
Contraception and family planning Reproductive health services Romania Cluj
Cluj-Napoca Municipal Hospital
- Str. Tabacarilor 11, 400139 Cluj-Napoca
- 735 406 101
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Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence
Counseling Center for the Prevention and Combating of Domestic Violence.
Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Information and tools Intimate partner violence Services for victims of abuse Peer and support groups Romania
Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence
- str. Simion Barnu?iu, 11 B, Timisoara
- 0739 002 221
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San Patrignano
San Patrignano is a home, a family for young people who have lost their way, who have lost motivation and need to resume a path of self-esteem, dignity, responsibility, and enthusiasm. For children who experience the hardship.
Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Support Rehabilitation Education Community Emilia Romagna Italy
San Patrignano
- Via San Patrignano 53 – 47853 Coriano RI
- +39 0541 362111
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Ioana Home
The organization supports women and children experiencing domestic violence and homeless families.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Bucharest Romania
Ioana Home
- ?oseaua Olteni?ei 39-41, Sector 4, Bucharest
- 0800500333
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Associazione Periscopio
The Association's mission is to create places and services that can accompany children and young people in the discovery of reality and of their own selves. The activities offered and the relationship with adults are the means
Mental health Psychological support Safe space Counseling Digital health Trentino Alto Adige Italy
Associazione Periscopio
- Via Saluga, 7 – 38121 Trento
- +39 0461080040
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Zalau County Emergency Hospital
Zalau County Emergency Hospital provides continuous hospitalization services, specialized outpatient services, day hospitalization services or paraclinical services.
Mental health and wellness Drop-in services Salaj Romania
Zalau County Emergency Hospital
- Strada Simion Barnutiu nr. 67, Zalau, Salaj
- 0260 616 920
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Consultorio Chieti
Consultorio Chieti offers psychological and social counselling and support, health education.
Mental health, Sexual health, Sexually transmitted infections, Abruzzo, Italy
Consultorio Chieti
- Via Nicolini, 1, 66100 Chieti
- ---
- +39 0862368498
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Ungdom Mot Narkotika
Youth against drugs is a nationwide youth organisation that works with drug prevention work, drug policy work and creates inclusive youth environments across for young people aged 12 - 26 years.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Oslo Norway
Ungdom Mot Narkotika
- Tøyengata 2, 0190 Oslo
- +4723310090
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A?enzija Sapport
To assist persons with disabilities to achieve social equitability.
Mental health and wellness Peer and support groups Person with disability Anxiety, stress, and depression Information and tools Malta
A?enzija Sapport
- Patri Gwann Azzopardi Street, St. Venera
- +356 22568000
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Consultorio Catanzaro
Consultorio Catanzaro offers psychological and social counselling and support, health education.
Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Calabria Italy
Consultorio Catanzaro
- Via Fontana Vecchia - 88100 – Catanzaro
- +39 09617033661
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Associazione 21 Luglio
Association July 21 ETS is a nonprofit organization that supports groups and individuals experiencing extreme segregation and discrimination by protecting their rights and promoting the welfare of girls and boys.
Racial discrimination Activism Safe space Support Educational community Inclusive city Lazio Italy
Associazione 21 Luglio
- Largo Ferruccio Mengaroni, 29 – 00133 Roma
- +39 06 64815620
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Centre for Prevention, Counselling, and Antidrug
In Centre for Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Antidrugs you gan get help with recovering from certain substance abuse and also get information about these substances.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Romania Alba
Centre for Prevention, Counselling, and Antidrug
- Alba Iulia , Strada Unirii, nr. 1-3, jude?ul Alba
- 0258.814.900
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Edusex organizes educational pathways for young people to acquire the universal values of freedom, respect for self and others, and responsibility; to learn about how their bodies work, developing a positive attitude.
LGBTIQ safe space Sexual and reproductive health Sexual health education Sexologcical counter Support Seminars Liguria Italy
- Piazza Luccoli 2/6, 16123 Genova GE
- +39 3486703965
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Consultorio Giovani Torino
It is a service reserved for young people in the 13-21 age group. It offers listening and counseling by conducting activities on prevention, affectivity-sexuality education, use of contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.
Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Lombardia Italy
Consultorio Giovani Torino
- Via Anzuni, 8, 10128 Torino
- +39 3204323798
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Associação de Respostas Terapêuticas
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery, and respective reintegration into society, with an innovative psychosocial and accommodation response.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Beja Portugal
Associação de Respostas Terapêuticas
- Quinta Horta da Nora, 7780-133 Castro Verde
- 219164415
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Caritas Norway (Caritas Norge)
Caritas is one of the world's largest humanitarian networks and consists of 165 member organisations worldwide and operates in more than 200 countries and areas. In Norway, Caritas works to integrate immigrants and refugees.
Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Drop-in services Migrant Refuggee Asylum seeker Peer and support groups Information and tools Oslo Norway
Caritas Norway (Caritas Norge)
- Storgata 38, 0182 Oslo
- +4723334360
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Sex And Society Foundation
Sex and society is Norway's largest center for sexual and reproductive health and rights. We believe that sexual health must be equated with physical and mental health, and good sexual public health is essential for good health.
Physical health Mental health Sexual health Sexually transmitted infections Reproductive health Oslo Norway
Sex And Society Foundation
- Trondheimsveien 2B, 0560 Oslo
- 22 99 39 00
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Peace Lab Malta
A relaxing atmosphere where you can meet and be met, where you can talk freely and be listened to freely, where you can discover your potential in the service of others.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Young adult Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Peer and support groups Malta
Peace Lab Malta
- Peace Lab, Triq Hal-Far, Zurrieq, ZRQ 2609, Malta
- +356 21442751
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Associazione Frida
The association "Frida - women supporting women" is a non-profit organization that acts to prevent and combat violence against women, carries out awareness raising and training on gender issues.
Partner violence Abuse Gender discrimination Support Psychological support Hotline Toscana Italy
Associazione Frida
- Piazza Guido Rossa 16 - Ponte a Egola San Miniato 56028 - San Miniato (PI)
- +39 3467578833
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Associação A Minha Casa - Comunidade Terapêutica
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, with an inclusive social system where the youth and family.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Leiria Portugal
Associação A Minha Casa - Comunidade Terapêutica
- Rua Santo António 16 - Olho Marinho 2510-521 Óbidos
- 262968689
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TRA-di-NOI Youngle Trento
The TRA-di-NOI Youngle Trento project aims to establish, through the methodology of peer education, a group of young volunteers to contribute to the management of web channels of information and guidance for their peers.
Mental health Psychological support Wellbeing Peer Safe space Support Counseling Trentino Alto Adige Italy
TRA-di-NOI Youngle Trento
- Via Taramelli, 17, 38122 Trento TN
- +39 3406664158
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Specialized technical psychological, legal, emotional, and social support for children and young people who are victims of sexual violence.
Victim Specialised support sexual violence Portalegre Portugal
- Rua de Sto. António
- 242 094 732
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Alternattiva Demokratika LGBTIQ
AD LGBTIQ is a group within Alternattiva Demokratika which focuses on the needs & rights of the lesbian, gay, bi, trans, inter & queer community.
Sexual or gender-based-violence LGBTIQ person Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ safe space Malta
Alternattiva Demokratika LGBTIQ
- ADPD, PO Box 38, Marsa MTP1001 Malta
- +356 21243641
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Ilga – Portugal
Community and cultural space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people, for their families, and for society in general, unique in Portugal, which encompasses a multidimensional component of socialization.
LGBTIQ support, LGBTIQ family support, Discrimination Lisboa Portugal
Ilga – Portugal
- Rua dos Fanqueiros Nº38 3ºEsq 1100-231 Lisboa
- 218873918 / 96936700
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SOS Malta
Aiding people experiencing times of crisis and empowering them by providing support services and opportunities to implement development and change in their country to ensure a better quality of life.
Mental health and wellness Peer and support groups Young adult Anxiety, stress, and depression Information and tools Malta
SOS Malta
- 10, Triq il-Ward, St. Venera
- +356 21244123
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Cabinet planning familial
This practice offers free consultations to all patients, regardless of the quality of insurance regarding contraceptives (which are sold at a minimal price), family planning, counselling and STIs detection and treatment.
Sexual and reproductive health Information and tools Contraception and family planning Sexually transmitted infections Romania
Cabinet planning familial
- Bulevardul Liviu Rebreanu, nr. 156, parter, camera 9, Timi?oara
- 0356 433 165
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Food for mind
The mind, thought, and the unconscious take a central component in the psychotherapeutic-psychoanalytic psychiatric pathway.
Eating disorders Body image Support groups Prevention Training Information Support Sicilia Italy
Food for mind
- Via Paolo Bentivoglio, 6295125 Catania (CT)
- +39 349 1298277
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Association of Speech-Language Pathologists
The mission of the ASLP is to promote the profession and ensure highest quality services through safe guarding the code of ethics, updating professional standards and creating opportunities for continuous professional development
Mental health and wellness Peer and support groups Person with disability Anxiety, stress, and depression Information and tools Malta
Association of Speech-Language Pathologists
- The Professional Centre, Sliema Road, Gzira
- +356 79427660
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Centro Sofia
Sofia Center was created for women, is dedicated to women and accompanies them throughout their lives. Indeed, our mission is the health and well-being of women, couples and children.
Prevention Reproductive health Women Psychological health Education mentrual health Lombardia, Italy
Centro Sofia
- Via A.Volta n°44 – 20052 Monza (MB)
- +39 039 3900664
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Is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) whose mission is based on improving the well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and the prevention of HIV infection.
In line with the UNAIDS goals of "eliminating AIDS by 2030", all of Abraço's current projects are wide-ranging and are present in various cities across the country (Porto, Lisbon, Funchal, Setúbal, Braga and Aveiro), with the following projects standing out: ABC Ser Criança; the Lisbon and Porto Home Support Service; the Psychosocial Care and Support Centre; the Medical and Dental Care Office and the HIV, viral hepatitis and STI prevention and screening centres.
- Rua Vila Nova, 315, 4100-504 Porto
- 223756655/6
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L’Ottavo Colore
The Eighth Color is an LGBTQIA+ social promotion association that was founded in 2007 in Parma and is committed to the claiming of the rights of people in the queer community in the city and province.
LGBTIQ+ person Safe space Queer community Emilia Romagna Italy
L’Ottavo Colore
- Borgo S. Giuseppe 27/B, 43125 Parma PR
- +39 3517702112
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Leon Clinique
At Leon Clinique, specialist doctors customize each patient's therapy according to their health condition. Tobacco addiction is treated through the Anti-smoking Program, which is applied with the SCIO bio-resonance device.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Bucharest Romania
Leon Clinique
- Str. Dr. Dimitrie Dr?ghiescu no. 10, sector 5, Cotroceni
- 0722465615
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ANAIS Association
The ANAIS Association provides and develops social services for victims of domestic violence, educates and informs, and is actively involved in amending and improving legislation in the field of violence against women and girls.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Bucharest Romania
ANAIS Association
- ----
- 0736.380.879
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Migrant Women Association Malta
The association is committed towards empowering migrant women to enable them to integrate within the society of the host country in order to attain their full potential.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Information and tools Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Migrants Racial minority safe space Malta
Migrant Women Association Malta
- 1A Rhea Buildings – Triq Santissima Trinita
- +356 79528945
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Bistrita Emergency County Clinical Hospital
Bistrita County Emergency Hospital is the largest health unit in the county that provides medical services on a permanent basis. It offers integrated medical services with the professionalism.
Depression Anxiety Health Romania Bistrita-nasaud
Bistrita Emergency County Clinical Hospital
- B-dul Gene¬ral Gri¬gore B?lan, nr. 43, 420094
- 0263 231 108
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Emergency Residential Reception Center
Emergency Residential Reception Center for Victims of Domestic Violence “Together We Will Succeed”. The Târgoviste social assistance department is composed of the following services and social centers: In the field of social assistance.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania
Emergency Residential Reception Center
- Târgovi?te, B-dul Unirii, nr. 24-26, pavilion
- 0372 764 198
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Centro Risorse LGBTI
Centro Risorse LGBTI promotes and supports human rights towards LGBTQIA+ people, countering and deconstructing all forms of prejudice, discrimination and hatred based on sexual characteristics, sexual.
LGBTIQ safe space Racial minority safe Space Peer and support groups Discrimination LGBTIQ person Emilia Romagna Italy
Centro Risorse LGBTI
- Via Asiago 7, 40131 Bologna BO
- ---
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Promoting the educational, professional and community inclusion of people at a disadvantage, from the perspective of the Supported Employment Movement.
Mentalhealthcare Information and tools Setúbal Portugal
- Parque Empresarial do Barreiro
- 212064920
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Depre HUB helpline
National helpline offering counselling regarding various mental health problems.
Mental health and wellness Information and tools Young person Young adult Mental health care and services Peer and support groups Romania
Depre HUB helpline
- Strada Emanoil Porumbaru 31, Bucure?ti
- ---
- 0374 456 420
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Serviciul Protec?ia copilului ?i familiei
Preventing, combating and minimizing the consequences of family violence, child abuse and neglect, as well as human trafficking.
Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Information and tools Intimate partner violence Services for victims of abuse Peer and support groups Romania
Serviciul Protec?ia copilului ?i familiei
- Calea Radnei, nr. 250, Arad
- 0257 270 582
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Specialized technical psychological, legal, emotional, and social support for children and young people who are victims of sexual violence.
Victim Specialised support Sexual violence Açores Portugal
- Praceta Prof. Dr. José de Almeida Pavão Júnior
- 296 285 399
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National Anti-Drug Agency
The National Anti-Drug Agency develops, coordinates, evaluates and monitors, at the national level, policies in the field of preventing and combating drug trafficking and illicit consumption.
Drug abuse Minority safe Counselling Addiction Bucharest Romania
National Anti-Drug Agency
- Bloc A4, Bulevardul Unirii 37, Bucure?ti
- secretariat @
- 021 318 44 00
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In our practice, we propose projects aimed at building pathways out of violence for young women, including with their children who come directly to us, providing psychological support, legal counselling, job accompaniment.
Sexual violence Intimate violence Psychological support Counselling Veneto Italy
- Via Bissagola n.14, 30173, Mestre VE
- +39 335 1742149
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Rosa dei Venti Foundation
The mission of the Rosa dei Venti is to welcome, support and accompany people with mental and emotional difficulties, in particular adolescents and young adults with difficulties integrating into society.
Mental health Community Rehabilitation Therapeutic residence Psychological support Lombardia Italy
Rosa dei Venti Foundation
- Via Papa Giovanni XXIII 5, 22038 Tavernerio CO
- +39 031360235
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Progetto Itaca Firenze Odv
Progetto Itaca Firenze Odv is a Volunteer Association that promotes a positive vision in the field of Mental Health. It offers free Rehabilitation services for young people suffering from mental disorders and
Mental health and wellness Information and tools Young person Young adult Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Toscana Italy
Progetto Itaca Firenze Odv
- Corso Italia, 32 - 50123 Firenze
- +39 0550672779
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FILIA Center
The FILIA Center is a feminist organization that makes women's voices heard through direct community work and advocacy, activism and outreach, research, and analysis.
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Bucharest Romania
FILIA Center
- Str. Povernei, nr. 6-8, Sector 1, Bucure?ti
- 0213138024
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Doctors for Choice
Doctors for Choice campaign for your reproductive healthcare and rights.
Prevention, testing, and treatment of STIs Contraception and family planning Young adult Peer and support groups Malta
Doctors for Choice
- 4, Triq Censu Tabone, St. Julians
- +356 27780037
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Cleanic - Programa Portage
Provide services preventing the consumption of drugs and alcohol, corresponding monitoring, individual recovery and respective reintegration into society, of the youth. It based on the Therapeutic Community approach.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Porto Portugal
Cleanic - Programa Portage
- Rua Isabel Muller de Mesquita, 360
- 224099103
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Intervention center for victims of sexual violence
The intervention center for victims of sexual violence comes with a new approach in providing support to victims and emphasizes the integrated management of cases of sexual violence, ensuring the intervention of a multidisciplinary
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Bucharest Romania
Intervention center for victims of sexual violence
- Splaiul Independence no. 169, Sector 5, Bucharest
- 021 318 05 19
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Victim Support Malta
Victim Support Malta provides support and assistance to individuals and families who have been affected by trauma as a result of crime or suicide
LGBTIQ safe space Sexual or gender-based-violence Virtual support Help hotline Sex, gender, or racial discrimination Young adult Valletta Malta
Victim Support Malta
- 52, Old Theatre Street, Valletta
- +356 21228333
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Skeiv Verden (queer World)
Queer World is a national interest organisation for LGBTIQ+ people with minority backgrounds. Here you can get help through social meeting places, share experiences, challenges and have the opportunity to gain knowledge.
LGBTIQ safe space Racial minority safe space Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ person Oslo Norway
Skeiv Verden (queer World)
- Torggata 1, 0181 Oslo
- +4795093293
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Public Social Assistance Service
Center for victims of domestic violence
Sexual or gender-based violence Information and tools Services for victims of abuse Intimate partner violence Romania Botosani
Public Social Assistance Service
- Str. Savenilor, nr.12, Botosani
- 0231.583.230
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Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Associação para o Planeamento da Família was founded in 1967 and its mission is to help people make free and informed choices in their sexual and reproductive lives and to promote positive parenting.
Sexual Sexuality Reproductive health Faro Portugal
Associação para o Planeamento da Família
- Rua Monsenhor Henrique Ferreira da Silva
- 289863300
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Centro Integrado das Taipas
Here you can find support for your dependencies. It is a withdrawal unit specialized in intervention in drug addiction in the field of health. Multidisciplinary centre with functions in the field of pathological dependencies.
Alcohol, Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Lisboa Portugal
Centro Integrado das Taipas
- Parque da Saúde de Lisboa
- 211119200
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Drachma is not only engaged with LGBTI communities, locally and internationally, but also promotes dialogue between gay communities and religious institutions.
Sexual or gender-based-violence Peer and support groups Sex, gender, or racial discrimination LGBTIQ safe space Malta
- Raymond Caruana Street, Gudja, GDJ 1011
- +356 79253875
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Victorem NGO
The Center offers Assessment, information, guidance,Group Counseling - Group Therapy, Individual Counseling - Individual Therapy, family counseling, Facilitating integration into peer groups – AA, Al-anon.
Alcohol, drug, or substance abuse Information and tools Young person Addiction and recovery Peer and support groups Romania
Victorem NGO
- Tudor Vladimirescu Street, nr. 30 A Constan?a
- ---
- 0755 103 992
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Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
Non-profit institution for intervention service for addictive behaviours and dependencies. Captivate and promote people in a situation of dependence to rebuild a sober, free, and dignified life, with Christian values as a standard.
Alcohol Drugs Drugs addiction recovery Lisboa Portugal
Desafio Jovem (Teen Challenge) Portugal
- Rua do Ferral 34, Manta de Baixo
- 256661310
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Centre for Prevention and Anti-Drug Counselling
The Maramure? Anti-Drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Centre is a territorial structure of the National Anti-Drug Agency, and it is responsible for the implementation of anti-drug policies
Recovery Mental health Romania Maramures
Centre for Prevention and Anti-Drug Counselling
- Str. Gheorghe Sincai, nr.29, Baria Mare
- 0262211055
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Equality Cooperativa Sociale is a secular and non-denominational Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility established in Padua in April 2008 with the purpose of pursuing the general interest of the community
Social integration Asylum seeker Migrant Support Social inclusion Veneto Italy
- Via Canestrini 91, Padova PD
- +39 049 875 26 38
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Is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) whose mission is based on improving the well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and the prevention of HIV infection.
STIs STIs testing Madeira Portugal
- Rua Bela de São Tiago, nº. 17, 9060-400 Funchal
- 291236700
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Associação para o Planeamento da Família
Associação para o Planeamento da Família was founded in 1967 and its mission is to help people make free and informed choices in their sexual and reproductive lives and to promote positive parenting.
Sexual Sexuality Reproductivehealth Lisboa Portugal
Associação para o Planeamento da Família
- Avenida João Paulo II - Lote 565
- 213853993
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HelpAids, an information and service site, was established in 2000 on the mandate of the network of services in the province of Modena for the fight against AIDS consisting of: Province and Municipality of Modena.
Sexual transmitted diseases Sexual health Counseling Hiv prevention Emilia Romagna Italy
- Viale Aldo Moro, 21, 40127 Bologna BO
- ---
- +39 800856080
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